Legal notice
< BackBCTG avocats
De facto partnership between individuals, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 301 272 951
Individual tax identification number: FR25301272951
Registered office: 53 rue des Belles Feuilles, 75116, Paris - France
T +33 1 44 15 61 00
(hereafter the "Publisher")
De facto partnership between individuals, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 301 272 951
Individual tax identification number: FR25301272951
Registered office: 53 rue des Belles Feuilles, 75116, Paris - France
T +33 1 44 15 61 00
(hereafter the "Publisher")
Directeur de la publication
Paul Elfassi
Création et web design
Agence Les Semeurs
14, avenue Trudaine - 75009 PARIS
T. 01 84 25 16 99
Email :
Site web :
14, avenue Trudaine - 75009 PARIS
T. 01 84 25 16 99
Email :
Site web :
Crédits photos
@Gettyimages @Unsplash @Pexels
Portraits : Thomas Millet
Portraits : Thomas Millet
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SARL au capital de 100 000 euros
SIRET 510 909 80700024
RCS Clermont-Ferrand
Marque déposée INPI
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SARL au capital de 100 000 euros
SIRET 510 909 80700024
RCS Clermont-Ferrand
Marque déposée INPI
Conditions d'utilisation
The information contained and available for consultation on this site is provided for information purposes only by BCTG avocats.
It may be modified at any time without notice.
Under no circumstances does it constitute advice or a service of any kind whatsoever.
You assume full responsibility for the use of this site or the information it contains.
BCTG avocats shall not be held liable for any damages related to the consultation or use of the website by the user.
The use of this service is reserved for strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the information, brochures or logos contained on the site, on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you have the possibility, in the event of a dispute, to have recourse free of charge to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows CNB, Consumer Mediator, 180 boulevard Haussmann - 75008 PARIS.
For more information, you can connect to the platform :
Our fee policy is based on transparency, which is the immutable foundation of the client relationship that has carried our firm for 50 years. We personalize our billing methods according to the nature of the case. We establish and propose provisional budgets, based on the time spent, and in certain cases we propose packages, subscriptions or fees based on results. In any case, a fee agreement, established at the beginning of the case, sets out the terms and conditions for the execution and remuneration of the legal service requested. A list of hourly rates is also provided.
It may be modified at any time without notice.
Under no circumstances does it constitute advice or a service of any kind whatsoever.
You assume full responsibility for the use of this site or the information it contains.
BCTG avocats shall not be held liable for any damages related to the consultation or use of the website by the user.
The use of this service is reserved for strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the information, brochures or logos contained on the site, on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you have the possibility, in the event of a dispute, to have recourse free of charge to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows CNB, Consumer Mediator, 180 boulevard Haussmann - 75008 PARIS.
For more information, you can connect to the platform :
Our fee policy is based on transparency, which is the immutable foundation of the client relationship that has carried our firm for 50 years. We personalize our billing methods according to the nature of the case. We establish and propose provisional budgets, based on the time spent, and in certain cases we propose packages, subscriptions or fees based on results. In any case, a fee agreement, established at the beginning of the case, sets out the terms and conditions for the execution and remuneration of the legal service requested. A list of hourly rates is also provided.