Augustin Nicolle, a partner, spoke at the “La Tribune Afrique” digital forum on the topic: “Economic recovery in Africa: Why failure is not an option”, on 1st December 1 on afrique.latribune.fr
Readjusting value chains, refocusing production on “essential” sectors, strengthening the resilience of the continent’s economies, supporting the return of investors… After the first edition, which focused on the response to the coronavirus pandemic crisis, “La Tribune Afrique” is holding the second edition of its digital forum on 1st December on the topic of economic recovery.
This conference takes place in an unprecedented context and on the eve of the entry into force of the Free Trade Area that establishes the regional integration of the 54 countries of the African continent.
The pandemic and its impacts have revealed the major weaknesses that handicap the continent’s economies and have caused growth indicators to slump, at least in the short term: for the sub-Saharan region alone, growth is expected to contract by 2.8% in 2020, the sharpest decline ever experienced. However, growth is expected to resume in 2021 and reach 3.1% if the pandemic is brought under control and if growth returns to the major trading partners of the 54 African countries.
View the replay here