Professional organizations faced to competition law risk: observations and outlook in the light of the transposition of the ECN+ Directive and the French Competition Authority’s study
Since the adoption of the EU Law Transposition Act (DDADUE) of 3 December 2020, the government has been empowered to transpose, by ordinance, the ECN+ Directive, which significantly raises the maximum penalties professional organizations may incur for infringement of competition rules.
In this respect, on 27 January 2021, the French Competition Authority published a study on the application of competition law to professional organizations, which reviews the Authority’s past decisions and highlights permitted and prohibited and the prohibited acts that have been sanctioned most frequently.
This conference will provide answers to the questions that professional organizations most frequently face in the course of carrying out their missions.
In particular, our speakers will address the following issues:
- Which practices are permitted and which create a risk?
- What will be the new (and significantly increased) penalties applicable after the reform?
- What risk prevention tools and good practices should be implemented immediately?
This conference will be an opportunity to define the framework within which professional associations can continue to carry out, effectively and without worry, their missions to assist, inform and advise their members, and for this purpose practical recommendations will be provided.
Time will be devoted to exchanges with the participants in order to give them the opportunity to share the concerns they may have due to this new penalty system.
Hugues Villey, partner, Competition and Distribution department
François Dauba, partner, Competition and Distribution department
Lucile Delahaye, associate, Competition and Distribution department
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
From 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.